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To Image Gallery of Tepuis, Venezuela

THE LOST WORLD: Venezuela's Ancient Tepuis
Journeys to one of the last unexplored regions on earth.

THE MAKING OF THE FILM for : "The Living Edens" series.

To Image gallery of Mountain Gorilla IMAX : MOUNTAIN GORILLA, THE MAKING OF
Vampire Bat, Desmodus, feeding on a donkey

The Making of "VAMPIRE":a twenty-five minute film for BBC's Wildlife On One, 1979Vampires have dominated folklore for over 2,000 years - symbols of the supernatural and things that go bump in the night! In South America the Vampire lives on!

To Image Gallery of Skydiving with IMAX


How we set out to design and successfully skydive, for the first time ever, with the IMAX giant screen camera system ...

To Image Gallery of Ring-tailed Lemur A JEWEL IN THE CROWD

Story of a Baby Male White Ring-tailed Lemur (published in BBC WILDLIFE February 1997 Page 22- 25)

Life in the ring-tailed lemur community is a fascinating social whirl. And the arrival of a little gem of a lemur-Sapphire-provided a natural focus for their human observers. Adrian Warren tells the tale of the ringtails

To Image Gallery of Waorani Indian WAORANI : THE LAST PEOPLE

BBC WILDLIFE TV & RADIO Vol.2 No.9 September 1984 Page 454-457

The world is a flat disc covered in rainforest and bisected by a river . Above the clouds is Heaven. On the disc's surface are the 600 'people'-the ones who have survived the depredations of the 'outsiders'-and even 500 of these have been exiled to a reservation. Film-maker Adrian Warren travelled to the land of the last of the sad and 'savage' Waorani.

To Image Gallery of Aerial images (Adrian Warren filming!) AERIAL FILMING TECHNIQUES by Adrian Warren


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